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Are You Burnt Out or Are You Done? The Entrepreneurial Dilemma in the Adult Industry

I have had this blog post on hold for some time unsure whether to send this out or not. It is something not spoken about and while I am a self declared woo-girl and “GO GET THE BAG” kind of gal, this is something that I think needs to be spoken about and supported in our industry.

Running your own business in the adult industry presents its own set of challenges and considerations. As an entrepreneur operating in this field, you may encounter unique obstacles that require careful navigation. In this blog post, we'll delve into the entrepreneurial dilemma of burnout versus being done specifically within the context of the online adult industry.

Burnout is a real concern for entrepreneurs in the adult industry due to the unique challenges and societal stigmas associated with adult entertainment. The constant need to balance spending enough time on your page, posting and being active on your socials and the pressure to innovate and stay relevant can lead to overwhelming stress and exhaustion. (Which if you are reading this I am sure you have felt at some point in your career!)

Additionally, the potential emotional toll of working in a controversial industry can contribute to burnout. Recognizing the signs of burnout, such as increased cynicism, decreased productivity, and emotional exhaustion, is crucial to taking proactive steps to address it, such as seeking support, establishing boundaries, and practicing self-care.

Determining whether you're simply burnt out or truly done with your adult industry business requires a level of reflection. While burnout can be addressed through self-care and strategic adjustments, feeling "done" may stem from a misalignment with personal values, ethical concerns, or a lack of passion for the work. It's important to evaluate if the challenges can be overcome through adaptation or if it's time to explore alternative paths that align more closely with your goals and values. Seeking guidance from mentors or industry peers can provide valuable perspectives when making this decision. And if it is not about goals/alignment you can just walk away even if you are just not “feeling it”. I am a big believer in going with your gut, and if you are feeling sick every time you have to film a video, everytime you are posting on social media, and dreading looking at your inbox, is that something you really want to feel every day?

Operating a business in the adult industry brings its own unique challenges, and recognizing the distinction between burnout and being done is crucial. Take the time to prioritize self-care, seek support, and reflect on your personal values and goals. Ultimately, making an informed choice about the future of your entrepreneurial journey will lead to greater fulfillment and well-being.

And if you have run an online adult page yourself, you are SO skilled to take hold of all sorts of other business’, or apply for many roles outside of our industry. So never be afraid to try something new and walk away if that is the path you are being pulled towards.

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