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What to do When it is Quiet?

If your business is quiet, there are several actions you can take to boost your activity and revenue. So let's go through them Queens!

1. Analyze your sales data: Look at your sales data and identify any patterns or trends that can help you understand why your business is quiet. Use this information to make strategic decisions on how to improve.

The fairly new tab called statistics in your menu is one you should keep an eye on closely. Another new feature to note is the list RECENT - this is a list of all your recent subs within the last 24 hours.

While looking at your statistics go back and look for your highest subscription days, what did you post on these days, what did you do differently? Go back to your highest earning message days, what went out? What time was it sent? Why were your subscribers buying on that day?

2. Focus on marketing: Invest in marketing and promotion to increase visibility and attract new customers. Consider using social media, email marketing, or paid advertising to reach your target audience.

Think of paid marketing as SFS, or investing in a social media course for yourself. How else can you get in front of your audience besides Instagram and Tiktok?

3. Offer promotions or discounts: Offer special promotions or discounts to encourage customers to make purchases. This can help increase sales and generate repeat business.

For instance with wall posts (run a series of polls) ask your fans WHAT they want. Get personal in messages. Find out what the majority of people want and cater to those needs. Mystery packs, bundles, 2 for 1. Every dollar counts. Maximize your page earnings!

-What is your PEAK traffic time? If you don’t have a sexter on your page this would be the best time to send out PPV when it is at its busiest.

-How many wall posts are scheduled per day?

-What is the interaction like?

4. Review your pricing strategy: Consider adjusting your pricing strategy to make your products or services more appealing to customers. Be sure to do your research and analyze your competitors' pricing before making any changes.

Whilst your pricing should reflect your brand and persona it should also be accessible and desirable. Do you need to do an overhaul of your pricing and PPV catalog? What are your top videos? But also, what are your lowest sold? Find out why? This is only going to help you tailor your page and target market.

5. Expand your offerings: Consider expanding your product or service offerings to attract a wider range of customers. This can help you tap into new markets and increase revenue.

Customs, sexting, video calls, ratings, games, lives - just to name a few!

6. Reach out to existing customers: Reach out to your existing customer base and offer them exclusive deals or incentives to encourage repeat business.

Resubscribe bumps and resubscribe gifts! What can you offer to draw someone back? Make sure you have a follow bot or are manually following your subs as they come through the door so you do not lose them if they expire.

7. Improve customer service: Make sure you are providing excellent customer service to all customers. This can help increase customer loyalty and encourage positive reviews and referrals.

Reward loyalty. Yes you have renew gifts but what about a birthday surprise (this can be the same video you send to every sub that says “hey babe, Happy Birthday”) Fans love this and it entices them to continue to stay. If you look after them they WILL look after you!

Remember, it's important to be proactive when your business is quiet. Use this time to evaluate your business, make improvements, and develop new strategies, think of it as an opportunity to come back from!

If your business is quiet, grab some paper, pens and highlighters and take this blog and do a page overhaul with the prompts provided!

Alternatively book a 1 on 1 call with myself. I completely through your page with you for tips and tricks on how to improve earnings and go through systems to implement for ease of running your page.

Following the video call I send you an email with a personalized action plan of what was discussed. - This can be purchased here , through my online store!

Jess x

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