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Time Blocking & Parkinson’s Law

Would you describe yourself as organised or organised chaos?

I was organised chaos until I started time blocking. Time blocking is giving yourself an allocated amount of time to complete a task.

Let me introduce you to Parkinson’s Law.

This is the notion that work expands to fill the time available for its completion.

Meaning that if you give yourself a week to complete a two-hour task, then (psychologically

speaking) the task will increase in complexity and become more daunting as to fill that


More time = less effort needed
Less time = more effort needed

By allocating yourself a certain amount of time to do a task, you will get it done in that time.

An example of this is making your monthly content. How long do you spend to film/edit

your content? 1 week? 2 weeks? 2 hours? Spending time planning quality content is great,

but if you are dragging out making content, it can begin to feel more daunting and stressful.

This can have a flow on effect of delaying filming, rushing to get a post out & being left

feeling defeated and stressed.

If this is sounding familiar, give time blocking a go. I utilise my google calendar to plan out

my whole week using the time blocking method, an example of time blocking is below:

Still feeling overwhelmed?

Let me help you with that. Enquire with us to see how we can help.

Jess xxx

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