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Lets wrap up 2023!

This year has been quite the rollercoaster ride - filled with triumphs, challenges, and, most importantly, an abundance of valuable lessons.

So, grab your metaphorical pom-poms because, in the spirit of being a cheerleader for your success, I'm excited to share with you the ten invaluable lessons that have come our way in 2023.

1. Invest into Yourself:

This year, we've learned that investing in ourselves is an act of self-love. It's about becoming the best versions of ourselves to provide top-notch service to our clients. So, keep on learning, growing, and evolving.

2. Visualize – Trick Your Brain into Believing It:

Picture this: your dreams realized. Visualization is our secret weapon. By vividly imagining our success, we've managed to trick our brains into believing that anything is possible. The power of belief is astounding!

3. Normalize the Feeling of Having What You Want:

Feeling like we already have what we desire has been a game-changer. It's like having a backstage pass to the universe's grand performance. Embrace the feeling, and watch how it transforms your reality.

4. Comparison is the Thief of Joy:

One of the most valuable lessons we've learned is that comparing ourselves to others can rob us of our happiness. Each journey is unique, and we should focus on our own progress and growth rather than constantly measuring ourselves against others. And I am one confident lady, but 2023 really slapped this in my face personally!

5. Get Excited About What Your Future Looks Like:

Enthusiasm is infectious queens! Let's keep getting excited about the incredible future that awaits us. The more we radiate positivity, the more it draws others who share our vision. 

6. Find a Tribe Who Is More Successful Than You:

Surrounding ourselves with those who inspire us has been an incredible catalyst for growth. Seek out mentors and allies who push you to reach for the stars. Remember, eagles don't fly with pigeons.

7. Hire Your Dream Team – Hire People Who Can Do What You Cannot:

Our mantra, "build a team with the same dream" has never rung truer. Building a dream team with diverse skills isn't just a smart move; it's the only way to soar to new heights. Plus honestly just getting rid of things you do not enjoy doing is a game changer to daily productivity.

8. Be Okay with Change:

Change is the only constant in life, and we've learned that embracing it can open up new doors of opportunity. Whether it's adapting to new social media trends, evolving site updates, or pivoting our strategies, being open to change is essential for growth.

9. How to Be Happy with What You Have:

In our pursuit of greatness, let's not forget to celebrate the journey. Express gratitude for where you are today and the opportunities that have come your way. Its you against you.

10. Be Consistent Towards Your End Goal:

Consistency is the secret sauce to success. It's not always about big leaps; it's often the small, daily steps taken towards your end goal that make the biggest difference. Keep your eyes on the prize and stay the course.

As we bid farewell to this year, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you. 

So, here's to a year filled with growth, gratitude, and boundless potential. If you ever need a pep talk, advice, or just someone to cheer you on, remember,  we are here for you!

Wishing you an absolutely amazing New Year, Merry Christmas & prosperous 2024! Go get em!

Your Cheerleaders-in-Chief

Jess & Sarah xx




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