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Let me be your cheerleader today

My first ever blog was about cheerleaders, (not the bouncy pom pom types) but rather a blog on the importance of surrounding yourself with people who lift you up and make you feel good about yourself. I do realise that not everyone has this all the time in their lives, so today let me be that for you and your business.

🌟You are going to make it. Remember all businesses started off small🌟

🌟You are the main character 🌟

Stop referring to your business as small or little. You’re a CEO. Now act accordingly. This quote was my screen saver for 12 months until I actually did start acting like one.

It's never too late to change your course. Don’t like what you are doing, here is your permission to change that. Want to dye your hair pink? AMAZING. Want to create another business, you will smash it! Permission to change granted.

🌟You are enough, just as you are 🌟

🌟You work hard, you do deserve that cupcake, day off, week off, or spa day. No matter what anyone else says 🌟

🌟You inspire me, trust me if you are reading this you do 🌟

🌟Your percentage and the amount of money you earn, does not define your worth. So stop refreshing the screen every morning and give yourself a break 🌟

🌟Keep going, keep growing. If you are thinking about it, you can do it. I believe in you! 🌟

Be proud of yourself and look at how far you have come, now go have a fantastic weekend queens!

Jess x

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