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Find Your Cheerleaders

One of the most powerful things you can do is curate your social circle.

I am a big believer in that you become your close circle. So who is in yours?

You know those people who just make you feel good? Who encourage you to do more, or perhaps even do less? The people who celebrate you for your achievements, the ones who are genuinely happy for your success without judgement or jealousy?

These are your true cheerleaders.

These people are usually positive in attitude and come with kindness and generosity.

So what really is positivity?

Positivity is the practice or tendency to be positive or optimistic in life. When we are positive,

we engage in positive thinking, have positive emotions, and engage in positive behaviours

like kindness and generosity.

Positivity is also scientifically proven to be contagious! If your closest people are more

positive than not, then chance are this is going to rub off onto you. People who are kind and

generous with their knowledge, their time and their emotions are such beautiful gems that

you should cherish and keep in your inner circle.

I happily label myself as a woo girl, but I wouldn’t be able to cheer for others if I didn’t have my close circle cheering for me.

If you need a cheerleader on your business team, you know where to find me.

Jess xxx

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